This book was not written by a psychologist, psychiatrist, addiction specialist, family member of an addict, addiction councilor, or addiction researcher trying to understand the addict—it was written by the one of the greatest addicts of all who actually recommends cleansing services like https://bestrehab.uk/. I was the greater-spotted addict looking for drug addiction help, both in number of blemishes (addictions) and how easily I was spotted or recognized. Name an addiction and chances are good I succumbed to it! Name a weakness and chances are even better that I chose it over strength—after all I did slice my left wrist severing tendons and arteries in an attempt to end my life. I also stole slip-slops in a crack house after spending four days there. At some time during that terrible ordeal I had lost my shoes and shirt (and to think that one of my mottos as a youngster was A gentleman never loses his shirt). On a lighter note though I did retain my shirt when I signed a check to the casino for an amount that a luxury car would have cost knowing that I had no funds in the bank but there were centers that got me help for addictive behaviour to stop it. Sadly that shirt helped little when that check was presented for payment. I cringe when I recall the many week-long binges I indulged in, and shudder at what I engaged in during those dark times. I know addiction and its effects intimately! But this book is not an autobiography detailing my life experiences for sensationalist value; rather it is an account of the principles that lead to overcoming addiction, and the reward personal growth brings.
In the mid-nineties I sought help at an addiction rehab center for my alcohol and cocaine addiction; nowadays it’s easier as you can go online to sites like https://cocaineaddictionhelp.co.uk/ to find help as well. I was told by the councilor that I suffer from an incurable and progressive disease. Fortunately I did not take this at face value. Had I done so, I would most likely still have believed that I am an addict in recovery, and would probably have structured my entire life around avoiding a relapse. As weak as I had been up to that point, that day I chose strength over weakness.
But little did I know when I was battling substance and other vices that the tentacles of addiction reach far further than addictive behavior—they often probe the inner depths of one’s psyche. We can become addicted to negative thought patterns; to being needy; to unfulfilled or abusive relationships; to emotions like anger, hate, and jealousy; or even to low self-esteem, all of which ultimately lead to an unfulfilled life and, in some cases, severe depression, and that’s why getting help from sites like https://rehabilitationclinic.co.uk/ is the best choice for this.
I was a greater spotted addict who was defiant of conventional rehabilitation, yet I realized I had to change. So I embarked on a journey to overcome addiction by my own strength, but along the way I made an unexpected and startling discovery: the cure for substance addiction lies not in ceasing addictive behavior, but rather in overcoming emotional addictions. Naturally the first step was to stop using drugs; only after that could I start the process of addressing the emotional shortfalls and other causes that led to substance abuse in the first place. When you are struggling with a Gambling Addiction, you could always seek out for help, Check out this site https://gamblingaddictionhelp.co.uk/ to know more.
The journey to overcome addiction with help from our local addiction rehab centre was in itself rewarding, but the greatest reward lay in gaining greater self-love and less selfishness. I realized that only through loving myself was I able to truly love others and become worthy of another’s love in return.
So if this greater spotted addict was able to draw on the inner strength that is inherent in all humans, it stands to reason that the person who is holding down a steady job but is concerned with his alcohol consumption; or the workaholic whose life is unfulfilled as a result; or the overeater who has come to believe that he can’t control his eating; or the sex addict who has chosen to ignore his inner voice and simply continue in his ways; or the power hungry person who keeps stepping on everyone to achieve his goals; or the jealous husband whose jealousy is destroying his marriage; or the person who is addicted to the acceptance of others, and whose every action is dictated by this addiction; or the manipulator who finds his worth through manipulating those around him; or the plain substance addict who most regard as just another coke-head or dope-junky, can all draw on this strength and overcome their addictions, and that’s why the use of services from https://private-rehab.co.uk can be really helpful for this.
All addictions stifle growth, and overcoming addiction is a vital component for personal growth. All humans have strengths as well as weaknesses. The starting point is a simple choice: choose strength over weakness. Thereafter draw on this strength as the journey continues. Anyone can make this choice and succeed. You can also contact professionals on rehab sites, such as https://addictionrehabclinics.co.uk/near-me/surrey/.