Alternative Addicts – Alternative Addiction Treatment

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Lance Dodes, M.D., hits the nail on the head.

Lance Dodes, M.D. Lance Dodes, M.D., is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Alcoholics Are Not Powerless Over Alcohol

Alcoholism is not even about alcohol
Published on June 17, 2012 by Lance Dodes, M.D. In the Heart of Addiction, find similar posts at

The myth that people with alcoholism are powerless over alcohol is deeply misinformed, and just as dangerous. Addiction arises from inside of people – their drive to excessively drink, use other drugs and then require drug abuse help. To think that alcohol is the problem in alcoholism is to believe it has a magnetic power to enslave people. This is sheer nonsense. And when people think that their problem is a chemical in a bottle, they focus on trying to resist the chemical rather than doing what is truly useful: trying to understand their minds.Of course, if we are talking about physical dependence then the chemical is relevant, but as readers of this blog or either of my books know, the real problem in addiction is not physical addiction, which can affect anybody and is readily treatable, but why some people compulsively repeat their addictive behaviors even when there is no physical dependence at all.

Addiction is all about seeking a remedy for overwhelming feelings of helplessness, and the exact form of an addiction, whether drinking or eating or watching online pornography, is no more than a focus for the addiction, not its cause. This is why people so often change the form of their addiction, moving from alcoholism to compulsive gambling to compulsive shopping and on and on. However, it’s important to note that if you are experiencing discomfort or symptoms after drinking, such as an upset stomach, you may wonder, How long after drinking can I take Pepto Bismol? Wouldn’t it be strange if people really were powerless over the focus of their addiction? When a person switched from alcoholism to compulsive gambling we’d have to say he was now powerless over something new. As the focus shifted there could be no end to the things he was powerless over – his powerlessness could spread like wildfire! (“I used to be powerless over just alcohol, but now peanut butter has me in its grip.”). Contact the gambling addict help for more information.

The notion that people are powerless over the focus of their addiction is also terribly demoralizing, in the  you can get the help you need. Addictions are neither more nor less than compulsions, psychological behaviors most people have to some degree. That fact has been a great relief to people with addictions who have been made to feel different and less than the rest of humanity. But if you buy the idea that you are powerless over the chemical in a bottle (or the peanut butter on the shelf or the offshore gambling website) then you are deprived of this honest relief. Instead, you must admit your worst fear: you are in fact different and certainly less capable than everyone around you who is able to drink with impunity. Visit to get help.

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol” is, of course, Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous. 12-step programs have been statistically shown to have a 5-10% success rate. Step One isn’t the only reason for this, but it is clearly a part of the problem you can learn more about if you direct yourself to

Addiction a Disease? Helplessly Addicted? Yeah Right?


Slot MachineUncontrollable Impulses?

“Impulse control disorder” is the excuse Rosemary Heinen’s lawyer used to explain Heinen’s shopping. Heinen was a corporate manager at Starbucks who embezzled $3.7 million, which she then used to buy 32 cars, diamonds, gold, Rolex watches, three grand pianos, and hundreds of Barbie dolls. Impulses and compulsion might take you to addiction issues which you can look for help at the

In court a psychiatrist testified Heinen was unable to obey the law, and shouldn’t be given the seven-year prison sentence she was facing as she have different types of addiction including drugs, but drugs like Cocaine cause chest pain so she decided to get help. The judge, however, did put Heinen behind bars, sentencing her to 48 months, as a addiction is a real thing you can suffer from drugs to alcohol and that’s why services from sites like really help with this.

The “helplessly addicted” defense seemed to work better for the Canadian gambler as he was also engaging with alcohol so the treatment was a union of both, look for info and help at The judge gave Brochu probation and told him to see a psychologist. His mother paid back the $50,000 he stole.

Now Brochu and his lawyer are seeking $700 million on behalf of all addicted gamblers in Quebec, claiming the government is responsible for getting them addicted, too, while if you need help with addiction, you can find out Priory Rehab Cost to help you in this area.

FOR MORE SEE abcNews – Is Addiction Just a Matter of Choice?


Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is an excellent way to build your personal and professional life. In addition, the value in having an insightful grasp on who you are and what you offer others presents you with the opportunity to focus on positive things in your life — concentrating on what is healthy and good for you can guide you in making better choices. When you know your strengths, you can call on them during challenging moments in life. A better understanding of what makes you strong opens your possibilities, placing you in circumstances that can accelerate your personal or professional life. Your strengths help you maintain a healthy, positive life and for addiction is necessary to keep your strength, look for help and information at The Benefits of Having Clarity in Your Strengths Having clarity in your strengths benefits you because: Your focus is on those things that will positively impact your life. For example, if you know your strength lies in being compassionate, you can volunteer or work for an organization that helps those in need. Working with or helping others can boost your mental health. You can use your time efficiently when you know what you excel at. Your strengths can aid you in valuing yourself, raising your standards, and expecting more in life. Acknowledging and focusing on your strengths means you can make smarter decisions about your relationships, goals, and environment. Another upside to knowing where you excel is choosing a career that will thrive because of your knowledge, skills, and abilities. The goals you create will also benefit from focusing on your natural abilities. Then, as you plan to achieve your goal, you can design a straightforward course of action that uses your talents, saves you time, and decreases stress if obstacles come between you and your purpose.

Additionally, studies from 2020 indicate that CBD for Anxiety and Stress is generally a safe, well-tolerated supplement to take in addition to other treatments to control symptoms such as sleeplessness, self-perceived anxiety, and stress.

True words spoken by a man that CHOSE love over hate.

And remember Alternative Addicts: WE CHOOSE STRENGTH OVER WEAKNESS!

Very interesting article in Psychology Today – Porn problems: Here Come the Woman

Although porn addiction has yet to be recognized as a diagnosable condition, this behavior has been described as “problematic pornographic use.”
People may be addicted to pornographic material if they constantly crave erotic displays despite attempts to reduce their urges. This person may also find other areas of life like work, academics, and social interactions limited by the constant need to consume porn. Watching porn may also take over any other interests and go on with other addictions, get information from this rehab center in the next website

A person with an addiction can be so overtaken with the need to consume porn, and they may begin to watch it in public spaces like at work or on public transit. For those seeking more information on innovative approaches to addiction recovery, check out these site

Statistics on porn addiction vary by source, but one study estimated that porn addiction affects approximately three to six percent of adults. It is viewed more by young adults, with men viewing it more frequently than women. Use tends to decline with age.

Porn addiction may also cause a strain in relationships with others. This behavior may manifest in the following ways:

Excessive spending on pornographic material, sometimes at the expense of necessities
Engagement in risky sexual behavior
The use of porn to cope with difficult emotions like pain, anxiety, and sadness
Consuming porn at risky times and moments
Feeling anger at being advised to reduce porn consumption
An inability to quit porn despite efforts to
Experiencing shame following porn use, but being unable to stop the habit
Progressing to more extreme forms of pornography to find pleasure
Finding sexual intercourse to be less satisfying

Porn addiction is very likely a behavior disorder, one characterized as hypersexual. It is similar to other sexual behavior disorders like excessive masturbation and cybersex.

Check out the following link – see how our inner voice gets numbed by indulging in addictive behaviour.

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Alternative Addicts

The Lesser Spotted Addict is now available

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Just to let you know that The Lesser Spotted Addict is now available!

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